Egg Production & Poultry Growing
Pullet rearing: aviaries for vital pullets
Experts recommend: if you want to produce barn, free-range or organic eggs in a laying aviary, rear your pullets in a similar system! Our engineers have devised special aviaries for pullet rearing. The birds are trained for their future life in a laying aviary from day 1.
Only when pullets learn how to move around in the system from the very beginning will they have an ideal start into the laying period.
NATURA Primus & NATURA Filia
Big Dutchman can offer two different types of aviaries for successful pullet rearing. Both systems have proved their technical maturity in the market and are thus a prerequisite for good rearing results, i.e. uniform and healthy pullets.
Pullets that are intended for laying aviaries should always be reared in aviary systems as well. Intensive training from the first day of life is the most important factor in pullet rearing. Only when pullets learn how to move around in an aviary from the very beginning will they have a good start into the laying period.
The professional manure belt system for successful pullet rearing. This well-proven system not only provides excellent rearing results but is also of high quality. To meet the varied requirements of all our customers in an ideal way, we offer UNIVENT Starter with and without manure belt ventilation. UNIVENT Starter consists of two different tiers to satisfy the differing needs of both day-old chicks and pullets:
the start tier and the grow tier.
The quality and uniformity of pullets are crucial factors with a decisive influence on laying performance later on. Essential prerequisites for successful pullet rearing therefore include:
uniform and rapid feed distribution;
a hygienic supply of sufficient drinking water;
wire partitions for improved bird inspection;
the reduction of ammonia emissions.
Main advantages
- well-thought-out system;
- modular design allows flexible arrangement of start and grows tiers;
- very easy to use;
- remarkably low mortality during rearing (often below two percent);
- feed trough with inward rim minimizes feed wastage;
- feed troughs are mounted on supports for increased stability;
- simple assembly of three to eight tiers;
- high functional reliability;
- high corrosion resistance.
Automatic Manure Belt Adjustment – straight running of the belts during manure removal
Using manure belts in poultry houses reduces ammonia emissions and thus contributes to an improved climate in the house and to the birds’ health. Intervals between manure removals should therefore be as short as possible. In the past, however, manure belts had to be constantly monitored during operation, sometimes requiring adjustment by experienced staff. Manure was therefore not removed as often as it should be.
With AMBA (Automatic Manure Belt Adjustment), Ecotec can now offer a solution that saves time and ensures the smooth running of the belts. Light sensors positioned to the right and the left of the manure belt in the drive monitor how the belts run. If a belt does not run straight, the sensors transmit a signal to the AMBA motor. The motor automatically adjusts the belt to stop it from deviating.
Main advantages
- self-regulating, straight running of the belts during manure removal ensures high process reliability;
- manual adjustment of the belts is no longer required, saving much time;
- the bus-compatible motor can communicate with the farm computer, e.g. emacs;
- automatic detection of the load on the manure belt indicates when manure must be removed;
- the longer service life of the entire manure belt drive;
- can be retrofitted for all BD manure belt drives around the world thanks to a multi-range power unit (90–277 VAC).
Automatic chain feeding for modern poultry production
Daily hand-feeding of the flock was very time-consuming, triggering the idea of an automatic feeder system: A new era dawned for the poultry industry. Thanks to its robust and simple principle, the chain feeding system has proved itself a million times over. The basic concept – feed hopper, drive unit, corner, trough, and the CHAMPION feed chain – has remained unchanged.
The entire system, however, is continuously being improved and adapted to today’s requirements for modern poultry production. The Big Dutchman feed chain CHAMPION can be used for any type of production, including layer breeders kept in cages, pullets from their first day of life, and laying hens. The chain also feeds broiler breeders reared on the floor and is furthermore a great option in alternative egg production.
Main advantages
- different conveying speeds of 12, 18, or 36 m/min, depending on the requirements;
- high conveying capacity of up to 1.5 t/h reduces the number of feedings;
- any type of feed can be used, e.g mash, pellets, and crumbles;
- the feed is distributed uniformly and reliably, i.e. all birds receive the same amount and quality of feed, with minimum feed losses;
- controlled or ad libitum feeding is both possible, depending on the demand;
- the feed level in the trough can be adjusted with the feed level slide;
- the shape of the trough guarantees sufficient space for all birds: birds can feed on both sides without stress;
- the system can be suspended or installed on legs for floor management;
- cost-efficient feeding system;
- simple, thorough cleaning;
- low labor and maintenance requirements;
- a robust system, long service life.
Bird Weighing
Precision weighing systems for all types of poultry – mobile or fixed installation
Monitoring bird weights is an important tool in modern poultry management, Especially in poultry growing. The exact determination of bird weights is a decisive factor for economic success.
However, any farmer keeping broiler breeders, pullets, or layers must also check the weight development of his birds closely. Too high or too low weights always have a negative effect on the production results and also mean that the farmer is not taking full advantage of the birds‘ genetic potential, which in turn influences the farm’s profits negatively.
Swing 20
Swing 20 consists of a load cell and a platform made of plastic material (or, as an option, stainless steel).
Main advantages
Using the telescopic suspension, the platform can easily be adjusted in height and thus be adapted to the birds’ age. The birds accept the scale well, resulting in plenty of weighings and therefore in precise weight data.
Swing 20 is suspended from the barn’s ceiling. During the service period, the scale can easily be removed for cleaning while the weighing electronics remain installed close to the ceiling where they are protected from dirt.
Swing 70
Swing 70 consists of a 1 x 1 m large plastic plate that is fixed to two stainless steel brackets. Swing 70 is attached directly to the load cell by means of four suspension ropes and snap hooks.
Main advantages
The suspension point is quite high, keeping swinging motions to a minimum to ensure that the birds accept the scale. This guarantees a high number of weighings and therefore precise weight determination.
The scale comes with a winch so that its height can easily be adjusted to meet the birds’ age. For cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner, the scale can be released from the snap hooks.