
Our Greenhouses was founded in 1986 in Spain. Within less than 30 years it has become the main glass and plastic greenhouse manufacturer in the world.

That is why Our Greenhouses offers a wide range of:-

  • Greenhouses MAXIMA: Glasshouse VENLO Type
  • Greenhouses OPTIMA:
    • Plastic houses (tunnels & multi-spans)
    • Poly houses
    • Net houses or Shade houses
  • Greenhouses: Garden Centres
  • Greenhouses: Livestock Buildings
  • Greenhouses: Solar Greenhouses
  • Greenhouses: Thermal Screens and shading systems
  • Greenhouses: Irrigation and Heating equipment


Our  Greenhouses is a worldwide leading company in turn-key greenhouse projects as well as in shading net projects. our Greenhouses offers all types of agriculture technology for greenhouses and agricultural input that might be necessary for obtaining the best performance you may ever expect: no matter if regarding glass or plastic greenhouse structures, monitoring or control systems, climate screen systems, irrigation or heating systems. our Greenhouses is an organization you may trust in due to its experience and knowledge of horticulture, flower growing, and agriculture. When it is about some specific and custom needs, our Turn-Key Greenhouse Project Department will provide you with an appropriate and optimum solution taking into account agricultural technology as well as agronomic support.

Our Greenhouses offers a wide range of advising and technological support services for:

  1. Feasibility studies for project investments previous to the purchase.
  2. Agricultural technology and know-how for greenhouses.
  3. Construction, supervising, and installation.
  4. Agronomic support from the planning to the harvesting.
  5. Monitoring of agricultural cultivation.
  6. Marketing and logistics for final products.

Our Greenhouses is a pioneer and worldwide leading company in greenhouses, screens, heating, and dripping irrigation projects, and we are one of the most traditional and at the same time – innovative agro-technology companies in the world.

Compromised with your project

In all the projects you may benefit from technological knowledge, vast experience, and the worldwide presence of our  Greenhouses. We contribute with our wide knowledge of the market, crop, and each zone’s climate conditions.

Our Greenhouses, through its extensive knowledge of our clients’ regional and market conditions – in combination with our own engineering – achieves and develops excellent greenhouse technology solutions for all of our customers.

International Presence

Our  Greenhouses is a worldwide leading international company is present with its greenhouse projects in more than 20 countries all over the world. We have 3 productive factories and we enjoy a very well-known worldwide trading presence by means of our distributors.

Our Greenhouses is a company dedicated to exporting and international markets, employing around 200 persons with more than 10% of them working for the Investigation and Research & Development Department.

MAXIMA Glasshouse

In our Company we are specialists in Venlo type glasshouses, being the unique Spanish manufacturer of glasshouses with a product of high quality and versatility that meets all the horticulturist’s needs.

The advantages of using glass as covering material are the following ones:

  • Material of high durability.
  • An ideal climate.

The design and dimensioning of the elements that compose a structure are calculated particularly for each project with the latest version of the unique existing program for the glasshouse calculation, CASTA.

Our glasshouses, as well as their adjustment to the actual demands, also meet the latest European regulation, EURONED: EN 13031-01 A15, emitted by the Dutch Institute of Normalization (“Nederlandse Normalisatie” – Institute).

OPTIMA Greenhouse

On the other hand, the plastic ACM OPTIMA greenhouses are the most sophisticated ones in the market. They are perfectly designed with the use of special software for metallic three-dimensional structures. These innovative control mechanisms have permitted to fulfill the loads required by the European Normative (UNE-EN 13031-1 de Marzo 2002).

Their advantages are the following ones:

  • Highly robust structure for heavy cultivations, such as tomatoes or other vegetables. hortalizas.
  • Great facility to change the covering film.
  • Ventilation system that permits to control the air renewals in any exterior circumstance.
  • Structure with all the elements in contact with the ground; galvanized in hot for a greater resistance; prepared to provide a total hermetic, aspect of great importance in the fight against the plagues.

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The utilization of screens is a technique of climatic control every time more common in horticulture. The ACM screens are essential to adapt the greenhouses to the climatic conditions desired. We use a unique technique of production for our screens, which permits us to offer our clients a wide range of this product for very diverse functions.

Among the most noteworthy characteristics of our screens you may find:

  • The screens our company avoid condensation.
  • The screens ACM resist to wear-and-tear effect.
  • The screens ACM resist to the UVA rays impact.
  • The screens ACM maintains the shading level unalterable during years.
  • The screens ACM fold in a compact form.
  • The screens ACM does not shrink.

Their perfect closure and their motor and traction system guarantee their operation without the need for any maintenance. Currently, our screens are our star product, and they have a 5-year guarantee and a high proportion quality – price.

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We provide you with the heating adjusted to your needs, each case adapted to the type of greenhouse, cultivation, and climate conditions.

The final objective is to control the temperature in a dynamic form, to optimize the contribution of the heat to the greenhouse, which signifies to maximize continuously the difference between the production rate and the energy consumption, modifying the temperature in function of the economic performance.

The heat contribution in the interior of the greenhouse, by means of heating, permits the control of the temperature during the development and growth of the cultivation. Therefore, it gives us the possibility of production programming.


The continuous investigations in the field of automatisms applied in greenhouses, it has carried us to continue improving our products and technologies.

The ACM Greenhouse automatisms are especially projected and designed according to the needs of each client for the management of the irrigation, fertigation, and climate control for greenhouse cultivations and open field crops.


Including the last technologies and the reputable experience over 25 years, we have developed new control mechanisms for the fertigation and climate, innovating in the design of components and installations hydraulics, in order to guarantee an extensive production and the highest profit value.

Among these mechanisms we may stand out :

  • Inverse osmosis
  • fertigation
  • Filters
  • Emitters
  • Irrigation rails
  • Fog system

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Agrosanitary Advising

Among all the services that we offer to our clients, there is also agro-sanitary advice. A group of professionals will indicate to you, at every moment, the information and support necessary to provide you with the best service.

Our master-growers are professionals with experience. They are qualified in advising on matters related to the crops, either fertilizers, nutrition mixing, biological protection, phytosanitary control, climatic control and management, and others; or topics related to the best performance of the equipment installed in the greenhouse.

We feel obliged with our client, and therefore, we would like to provide him with our best services whenever he needs it. OUR COMMITMENT, YOUR BUSINESS.

Integral Technical Advising

We have a wide technical department, composed of agronomists and industrial engineers whose work, as well as designing the glasshouses and conducting its assembly in situ, is also to provide them with the advice and information they may need.

Our technical department will guide you through the structural aspects and automation of our products in order to optimize the utility and efficiency of your project.

Financial Advising

We enjoy very good relations with the main credit institutions, either on the national or international levels, which gives us an additional value in negotiating the financing of long-term projects, contributing the best conditions to our clients.

We are conscious that one glasshouse project is an investment that will not be paid off directly after its purchase.

That is why our interest is to provide our clients with the financial tools that we are able to place at their disposal.

After the study of your project, we will look for a financial alternative of financing that would be the best to meet your interests.

We are able to help you in negotiating OCDE credits or FAD credits, among other options.

We offer professional services in accordance with our projects; economic and precise advice, or individual ones, in order to protect your investment with the best financial management, on the national and international level.


We provide opportunities beyond imagination.

Our company offers excellent career choices in international scope and environment, with our training and development programs, your options are endless.

If you take pride in your accomplishments and are prepared to work hard in an exciting, fun environment – you have every chance of success.

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